The Young and the Restless

Jack Attack! Young & Restless’ Victor Strikes His Rival – and Upends Not One, but *Two* Families in the Process

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It’s coming. Young & Restless’ formidable Victor Newman has been lying in wait for the right time to strike his rival Jack Abbott, and this week he finally makes his move… But what, or who, will become collateral damage?!

Victor reluctantly agreed to let his old foe, Jack, act as his wife Nikki’s sponsor as she battled to stay on the wagon, but his instincts told him it wouldn’t end well, and as it turned out, one can’t really argue the point.

Peter Bergman, Melody Thomas Scott

When Nikki went on a huge bender at the Athletic Club, Jack showed up and, as a last resort, decided to join the party rather than put an end to it. Well, that’s not entirely true… his actions did put an end to the drinking in a roundabout way. As fans will recall, Jack not only imbibed with Nikki, he called up his former drug dealer, scored some pills, and swallowed them. This, of course, landed him a date with the paramedics when his partner in crime was forced to sober up and call for help to save his life.

Victor and Jack’s wife Diane were both furious to learn of the plot twist, which not only saw Jack fall off the wagon, but saw the pair spend the night together in a suite at the Athletic Club. Diane griped that Jack prioritized Nikki over everything and everyone else, and Victor was totally unable to get on board with painting Jack as a hero for the extremes he went to in order to scare Nikki sober.

The Mustache not only wants revenge on Jack for spending the night with his wife, but blames him for her relapse in the first place, maintaining that he should never have agreed to act as her sponsor.

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To that end, Victor appeared to be formulating a plan to use the villainous Jordan Howard, whom he was holding captive in a cage in his cellar, as a tool to strike back at his rival. However, Cole and Michael’s interference put an end to any scheme to sic that particular psycho on Jack, as they insisted she be shipped back to a maximum security prison.Jordan Victor YR

Delayed, but never undaunted and always determined, Victor began setting his chess pieces up for another ‘Jack Attack’, this time using his own family members and friends. Victor turned Cole and Michael’s betrayal to his advantage by ordering them to get close to Kyle and Diane respectively, and then announced a shuffle at Newman Enterprises and Newman Media geared, undoubtedly, to targeting his nemesis.

Let’s just say we don’t feel Jack is safe on any front. We’re certain Victor will take a multi-pronged approach to his quest for revenge that involves not only going after Jack’s marriage and his relationship with his son and heir, but his company too.

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