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The Young and the Restless

Adam Floats a Life-Changing Proposal — and Summer Makes a Big Decision

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At Crimson Lights, Chelsea tries to sell Summer on the idea of Sally stepping in for her, and says that after seeing the way she’s been there for Adam during this Connor situation, she believes it’s who she is as a person. Summer snarks that she had nowhere to go but up. She points out that she’s not even in fashion anymore. Chelsea argues that she misses it and a fashion designer is who she is at heart. Summer’s not keen on the idea… it’s Sally.

Summer appreciates Chelsea trying to find a fix, but she’s going to have to think about it. Chelsea apologizes for the short notice on her leave of absence. Summer says it’s not the only thing stressing her out… she’s had to make a big decision and has to trust people she shouldn’t have to. Summer urges Chelsea to get another drink. She has a lot to fill her in on. She tells Chelsea about Claire and how she and her Aunt Jordan were out to destroy the Newman family. “The two of them poisoned, basically, my whole family.” If Jordan weren’t dead, she’d be trying to finish the job. The Newmans have forgiven Claire and now she’s supposed to watch my kid! She gets that Claire was a victim, but she can’t understand how they suddenly trust her. She has to protect her son. Chelsea thinks the Newmans must see something in her that gives them confidence. Maybe Summer will see it one day too.

At Society, Adam asks Sally to be open to his idea. She’s concerned given his tone. He says Chelsea’s planning on taking a leave of absence for Marquetti, so he asked her to pitch her as her replacement to Summer. Sally points out Summer hates her. Adam wanted to help give her a shot to get back to her dream. He hopes he didn’t do the wrong thing. Sally assures him she’s not upset; thinking of her amid all he’s going through is amazing. Sally’s surprised, but thankful, that Chelsea’s on board, but she won’t hold her breath. The chances of Summer wanting to work with her are slim to none. Adam thinks Summer might recognize this for the opportunity it is. Sally says it’s great… but not likely. Switching gears, Adam tells Sally they deserve something special before he goes back to the east coast.

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In the jazz lounge, Diane expresses concern over Jack given the developments with Ashley. He reassures her and they discuss his sister going to Paris. Tucker overhears and interrupts them. Jack tells him it’s none of his business, “You have nothing to do with this.” Tucker says he has her best interests at heart and reminds them that she hit on him. Diane questions why he’s suddenly being her hero. “What’s in it for you.” Tucker still cares about her. He sits and says, “So why don’t you tell me what she’s doing in Paris.” Jack relents and explains that Alan seems to think that Ashley’s issues stem from an incident that happened in Paris after the conflict with him. “Do you have any clue as to what might have happened after?” Tucker wishes he did, but he came right back to Genoa City after. Is Alan taking her there to face the trauma head-on? Jack nods. Tucker wishes her the best and will try not to run into her while he’s there. Jack gawps, “You’re going to Paris as well?” Tucker nods. Diane snaps, “What is wrong with you?” Tucker says his trip was already planned. Jack is sorry he gave him information. He doesn’t trust him not to interfere.

Tucker insists the last thing he wants to do is muddy things for her… if she’s serious about this. Her decisions haven’t been set in stone lately. Jack snarls that he doesn’t get to question Ashley or anything about her life. It’s none of his business. Jack warns him to keep this to himself. Tucker informs Jack he’s part of the problem. He’s part of the reason Ashley didn’t get the attention she needed when she needed it. Tucker wants her to beat this thing and go back to being the person she was, “Do you?!” He walks away, and Jack fumes to Diane, “If he does anything to jeopardize her recovery…” Diane thinks they should give him the benefit of the doubt. Jack complains he could do real damage now that Ashley has finally agreed to get help. Seeing him in Paris would trigger her immediately.

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