The Young and the Restless

Young And The Restless Scoop June 7: Ashley’s Saved From Martin’s Clutches – Alan And Martin Tumble Over The Balcony – Ashley Agrees To In-Person Treatment

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The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, June 7 reveals Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will decide to check into an in-person facility on the outskirts of Paris.

Also coming up, Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will drop in on Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) unannounced. Plus Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will battle his evil twin. And Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will check in.

Y&R spoilers tease Traci will walk into the living room with a pot of coffee and three cups. She’ll call out for Ashley and for Alan. The scene will switch to a closet, where Alan is bound and gagged. Back downstairs, there’ll be a knock on the door and Traci will answer.

“What are you doing here?” she’ll ask Tucker. “What do you want?” He’ll say he’s there to speak to Alan. Traci will ask him to respect Ashley’s privacy but he’ll walk in anyway. “Where is Ashley, is she with Alan?” he’ll ask her. “I want to know why he acted like he’d never seen me before in his life.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Alan Tells Them His Brother Broke His Fall

Tucker will add that he’d never heard Ashley sound so terrified in her life. “Are you absolutely certain Alan can be trusted?” Traci will say both she and Ashley trust Alan completely. “What’s going on Traci?” he’ll ask. “Something is off with you.”

Y&R Scoop: Martin and Alan fall over the balcony

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But Traci will say although she believes his intentions are good, it’s a private family matter. “If she needs anything,” he’ll reply. “Put me to work.”  Traci will say the therapy doesn’t look pretty but Alan has helped her retrieve some really traumatic memories.

Tucker will tell Traci he thinks she’s afraid and he wonders why she hasn’t told him where Alan and Ashley are. “I have the feeling Alan’s work with Ashley isn’t quite what it appears to be and I think you do too,” he’ll say. Traci will tell him to leave and she’ll open the door. But Tucker will ask if he’d find Ashley at her apartment now. Then he’ll glance down at the tray. “Three cups Traci, three cups,” he’ll say.

Upstairs, Alan will wake up and try to break free of his bonds. Martin will drag Ashley down a hallway and she’ll open her eyes. “Help!” she’ll scream. Tucker and Traci will rush upstairs and Ashley will run towards them. Then Alan will appear in the hallway. He’ll try to reason with his twin, but to no avail. They’ll get into a fight and the brothers will end up toppling over the balcony.

Afterwards, Alan will walk inside and say he’s only alive because Martin broke his fall. Tucker will ask someone to explain to him what just happened. But Alan will tell him it’d be best if he left. After Tucker leaves, Traci will ask how he’s dealing with Martin’s death. “There’s a sadness and grief that he’s gone but I’m kind of relieved that he’s at peace,” he’ll reply.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Jack Trusts Ashley To Do What’s Best

Then Ashley will tell Alan and Traci her memories are coming back and she has put together the pieces of what happened. “The rage I saw in Martin’s eyes…I saw that same rage tonight.” She’ll say he did something to her and she thought it was Tucker. A tearful Traci will tell her sister she’s so sorry.

Y&R Scoop: Jack speaks to Ashley on the phone

A distressed Ashley will describe her alters. “Ms. Abbott thought that Tucker was the threat and she thought the answer was to kill him,” Ashley will continue. “And I’m telling you, if she had more time, she would have done it.” She’ll say Tucker always knew when she wasn’t herself and when something was off.

The trio will return to Ashley’s apartment. Traci will ask Ashley if she’s ready to go home but she doesn’t quite think she is. Alan will tell Ashley he thinks she should continue the work. “I’m afraid the war isn’t over yet.” But she’ll point out her alters are gone.

However, Alan will say the alters have been inside her for a long time, they just came out due to the trauma. He’ll advise her to go to a safe, controlled clinic for treatment. But she won’t want to. Then Traci’s phone will ring. It’s Jack, asking how Ashley’s doing. “Oh Jack,” Traci will reply tearfully. “I wish you were here.” She’ll say Ashley made a great breakthrough. “Just hearing your voice makes everything better.”

Finally, Traci will put Ashley on the phone, who will tell her brother Alan thinks she needs an in-person facility. Jack will say he trusts Ashley to do what she thinks is best for her. She’ll return to the living room and tell Traci and Alan she’s ready to continue the work.

Keep reading Young & Restless News for Young And The Restless spoilers and news.

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