The Young and the Restless

Young & Restless Fireworks: Summer Triggers an Explosion That Will Leave the Newmans Forever Changed

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Still reeling internally from the nightmare that was Harrison’s kidnapping, Summer remains traumatized and on edge, and it’s that state of mind, along with a little green monster, that will combine to trigger an explosive situation from which the Newman clan may never recover!

After Harrison was rescued by his dad, and Claire was pulled out of the storage unit by Victoria and Cole, it seemed possible for a moment that Summer might see her way clear to burying the hatchet with her new cousin, but that was not the case. Instead, Kyle’s ex-wife doubled-down on her dislike of the new family member despite the revelation that she had nothing to do with her son’s abduction.

Summer tells Kyle Harrison is not okay Y&R

In an expository, and sometimes bizarre, conversation with her mother at the Athletic Club, Summer spoke at length about her distrust of Claire while Phyllis worked to be a voice of reason (hence ‘bizarre’). The points she made about her cousin were valid — Claire was lead lurer in Jordan’s diabolical plan to end Victor, Nikki, Victoria, and Summer’s dad Nick, who also got stabbed in the ordeal. Despite her family embracing the newcomer, there’s really no reason that Summer should let any of that go easily, especially since Claire only did a brief stint in Memorial after the fact.

But it was a question Summer posed that signaled where the soap may be taking this. After pointing out the level of psychosis Claire must have had to have done what she did to the Newmans, she asked Phyllis, “How are we supposed to know she can’t get there again?”

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If you’ve been watching soaps long enough, then you’ll have realized immediately that this was a sign that that’s exactly what might happen. Claire may, in fact, “get there again” — if she’s pushed too far.

Another telling bit of the conversation had Phyllis exposing Summer’s feelings for what they were — not so much distrust as jealousy. Not only has Claire swooped in and become a new apple of her grandfather’s eye, but she’s moving in, however innocently, on Harrison. More importantly, perhaps, Summer’s realized that Kyle has a thing for Claire. He’s defended her at every turn and is obviously taken by her immediate connection with his son. It’s not much of a leap to romance.

Claire Kyle Y&R

With Harrison and Claire wanting to spend time together, Victoria pushing for her daughter to become the kid’s new nanny, and Kyle on the verge of relenting, this is all building to a showdown of sorts with Summer, who has put her foot down and barred Claire from being around the boy.

Indeed, Young & Restless spoilers tell us that later in the week, Kyle will veto Summer’s decision about Claire, and it doesn’t take a clairvoyant to see that this will not go over well. At all.

Summer Kyle

So, where do we see this headed? Fireworks is an understatement. Summer is her mother’s daughter, and she’s not likely to just back down and accept it when Claire begins getting even closer to Kyle and Harrison. No, she’ll keep pushing back until Claire perhaps “gets there again” when she can’t take it anymore.

If Summer’s actions trigger Claire’s psychosis and she does something sinister or off the wall as a result, the Newman family will be forever changed. Why? These are Nikki and Victor’s granddaughters. Nick and Victoria’s offspring. To have them harming one another will undoubtedly cause resentment, have accusations flying, and fingers pointing in blame. It will tear the family apart and cause divisions that simply may be impossible to repair.

Nick Victoria Y&R

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